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13 Yaşındaki Tekerci "Stuntrider"

  1. #41

    23 Ağustos 2006
    ben bızımkılere ızlettım ama hıc ızın wermedıler

    Oktay Motor CF Moto Polaris Mondial
  2. #42

    30 Ağustos 2006
    Alıntı boy adlı üyeden alıntı Mesajı göster
    Çocuk gerçekten üye olmuş ve mesaj yazmış. Bana da ÖM atmış. İlginç valla, dünya küçük!

    Hi Aaron,

    I got shocked that you are a new member of out site. I put your pictures in this thread. I watched some of your movies on the net. You are really good! Motosiklet.net is the best web site about bikez in Turkey. I just only know one stuntrider, Tek Teker Arif (Wheelie Arif) in Turkey. He is not as good as you but he is good in Turkey. Here, bikez are more expensive than in your country. So people can not try some actions like wheelie, stoppie, etc.. I hope you keep following to read this thread. I had a CBR 600F Sport. Now I am riding a 1000RR. I want to ask you that why you prefer riding CBR 600F in stuntriding? Hope to see you again...

    Hey Boy,

    The main reason that I ride the F4i is because it is the best all around stunt bike. It is a tough bike and can take a lot of punishment. The subframe is like a tank. The engine is unbreakable. It is a really really tough hard bike. The 600 versus the 1000 is just because the 600 is so much more agile than the 1000. Agile meaning you can move it around more. The 1000 is much more bike to handle for freestyle. I was riding a GSXR 1000 tonight just to try it out. It is a bike that I would use for "Longest Endo" competition. I have been held back in the longest endo competitions because I have been riding the 600 F4i and it just is not enough bike to get up to speed needed to compete with the bigger bikes. I would have had 3rd place in one competition but it was judged on the "best overall" score and even though I was maybe 3rd in freestyle my endo length brought me down. That is why I am looking at the 1000 and just use that for endo competitions. You can do a lot on a 1000, don't get me wrong, but you will be limited in doing some of the really technical stunts that you need a more agile bike.

    Right now I am really getting pumped up for the Motorcycle Mayhem competition in California. I just learned today that I am being accepted in the main competition for the big money. It is the biggest prize money competition held to date. Total prizes are $33,000 dollars with grand prize $17,500. The web site is http://www.motorcyclemayhem2006.com/ . There are only 12 riders in all of the U.S that are invited to compete for the prizes. I hope to surprise a lot of people with where I place. I have been working really really hard to add some top level tricks. My biggest are Jump to High Chair and High Chair Circle Combo's. I am trying to reach the level of tricks that I know only about 3 or 4 other riders in the world can do. But I still need to get some tough acrobatics down and I would really like to break out some tricks that are just my own. I am trying hard to get there! I am trying to make it so that it is not just the 13 or 14 year old rider they are talking about, but the kid that won or even got 2nd or 3rd place up against what everybody now thinks are the best riders.

    We get some pretty terrible winters here so I only have about 3 or 4 really good months to get into form. In Florida or California you can ride all year. How about Turkey? You get snow there pretty bad in the winter, don't you? Here you just have to wait through the winter there is just no way to ride. It is really tough to compete with those riders that can go all year.

    I went to Tek Arif's web site and looked at all of his pictures. He must be very famous in Turkey. He had a lot of press clippings and it looks like he has been riding a long time. What was the stunt he was doing with the airplane? Has he been on Turkish TV? The 12 Bar on his bike looked massive, HUGE; I was wondering if he made it himself to fit on his bike. Do a lot of people in Turkey know about stunting? How many people do you think would show up for an exhibition or a class? I started on a 50cc and then a 125cc. It is a good way to learn without killing yourself. You can control your mistakes until you get good. I got on the big bike after the TTR and was scraping 12 in 45 minutes, so you can definitely learn how to stunt by mastering the smaller bikes. With the right equipment you don't have to destroy a bikes. Just get the cages like the Freestyle Ingenuity Cages that sponsor me. They sell 12 bars also. My dad carries all of their parts. There are other things that can make the bike safer, or you just don't push your stunts as far. If you go to YouTube.com and type in Aaron Colton, there is another video up there that somebody else uploaded. A guy named Krohn. It is a video of all of the guys that come out to our stunt spont. You can get an idea what our Minnesota summer nights are like around the stunt lot. You will see a few shots of me in there if you can recognize the bike. That spot used to be just my dad and I going out to stunt. Now it is like a big part spot every night. I have started to road race. I just got my racing certificate this last weekend. Most of the racers don't like stunters, but I did a show for them at the race track and now a bunch of sportbike racers are coming down to the stuntspot and watching. Pretty soon I am sure they will be stunting.

    Well I will keep an eye on this thread. If you think there is enough interest in classes and exhibition shows Shout out in English and I will answer.

    I appreciate everybody's interest, and I props to Arif and all the stuntriders that want to give it a shot out there in Turkey!

    Aaron Colton

  3. #43
    etez - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    29 Ağustos 2006
    2013 Honda NC700X
    iyide çocuk ufak diye tecrübesiz olduğunu nerden çıkardınız belli ki yıllardır motor kullanıyo bir sürü motoru dağıtmış bir çok kerede motordan düşmüş yoksa bu hale hemen geliniyomu zannettiniz

  4. #44
    boy - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    18 Eylül 2003
    2016 Aprilia RSV4 RF
    Hi Prodigy,

    Not too much people know about stunting in Turkey but everybody is getting interested about it in time. We are watching stunting videos in the internet. The possibilities are less here. Everything is so expensive here. Also there are no stunt accessories for bikez. You must do everything with yourself in Turkey. Sponsoring is not too much here. There are track races here. I also want to race in tracks. Winter is cold here, rains and snows. I am going to work with my bike but in winter I don't want to ride because the roads are very dirty, dirt comes on you from the car that rides in front of you.

    You can take a look at the pictures I took from the race.

    Race Pictures in Turkey

    You are really very very good in stunting...

    Hayatta en büyük eğlence başkasının yapamazsın dediğini yapmaktır.

  5. #45
    Infaustus - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    12 Mayıs 2005
    Harley Davidson Sportster 1200
    İlginc yahu ecnebi bir genç yavrucak sitemize üye olmuşta yazılar yazarmış.. Yerim ben onu )) Hoş bişi yahu..

    Hi Aaaron,

    "Boy" is our best racer in this site We hope he will win MotoGP, but firstly he have to start race at GP.. We trusting him. Ok, ok, its a joke. But Boy riding not so bad. As Boy's words, here is really expensive to ride a "big bike". Most of people dont have enough money to buy one of this sport bikes. And spare parts are so expensive too. Cause of that, no one wants to try stunts.. Boy said we have race tracks, but i must say that, most of this trucks are not open for amateurs. And there is no stunt training center in Turkey, or maybe i never heard i dont know. I hope someday, motorcycle riding will improve in Turkey, but i dont know if i can see this at while i'm alive )

    Take care yourself, and thanks for sharing your experiences with us..
    Kralını tanımam. Edirne Motorcycle Club!!!

  6. #46
    S.o.S - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    30 Ağustos 2006
    elline sağlık...

  7. #47
    BIYIKLI - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    04 Şubat 2006
    Anadilini kaybedersen bağımsızlığını da tamamen kaybedeceksin. Dilini kaybeden toplumlar köle olmaya mahkumdurlar.
    Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK

  8. #48
    SmirnouF - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    17 Mayıs 2006
    Tekirdağ - Çerkezköy & Kırklareli - Pınarhisar
    ne bulursam gezerim xD
    Yaa ben bu çocuğun üye olduğunu düşünmuyom.Admin abilerim İp falan yokmu mesajlarda bi bakın bakalım
    Ayrıca bu ülkelerde bu olaylar teşvik ediliyo.Adam ayda bir motor parçalasa ne olcak,parça problemi yok ve kolayca yeni bi motor alabilir çünkü gelirleri yüksek.Zamanında bende çok heves sarmıştım ama babam motoruma zarar verme diye diye beni engelledi.ama babamada hak veriyorum.bi amrtisor keçesi patlatsam gitti bi kupa para
    Ama ilerde güzel bi gelir düzeyine ulaşırsam bu eski merakıma geri döncem Kararlıyım
    Bir Afrika Atasözü; Sular yükselince, balıklar karıncaları yer.Sular çekilince de karıncalar balıkları yer .Kimse bugünkü üstünlügüne ve gücüne güvenmemelidir. Çünkü kimin kimi yiyecegine “suyun akışı" karar verir. - Drift Religion

  9. #49
    boy - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    18 Eylül 2003
    2016 Aprilia RSV4 RF
    SmirnouF çocuğun yazdıklarını anladıysan bu konuda böyle yorum yapmazdın. Çocuk gerçek, yazdıkları da...
    Hayatta en büyük eğlence başkasının yapamazsın dediğini yapmaktır.

  10. #50
    Seni unutmayacağız
    Nur içinde yat
    kamberhan - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    21 Mayıs 2006
    yetenek ya işte budur...

  11. #51
    hunterock - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    14 Haziran 2006
    kanuni seyhan 250 cc
    valla helal olsun ....
    boşver GÜLÜP geçmeli HAYAT bin KERE başlamaz Kİ....

  12. #52
    velespit-cbr - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    21 Temmuz 2006
    09` cbr 125
    çocuk yaşta bu hareketlerr.... helal olsun söylenecek birşey bulamıyorum...

  13. #53
    BuR.K.O. - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    23 Ağustos 2006
    Bakırköy / Istanbul
    AS 125 T VARMI LEEMMM..!!..
    usta vermedlerki bize o yaşta öle motor 17'ime geldim babey en sonunda verelim dedi DRAGSTAR'ı şuna ALLAH ondan razı olsun
    bu arada yabancıları geçiiin tek teker arifin cocuğu bundan daha ufak daha velet
    "daha ufak daha velet" olm böle bi flimmi vardı ??!!!??
    paranın körü göz olsun...
    [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][COLOR="Navy"]M[/COLOR]otosiklet [COLOR="navy"]İ[/COLOR]çin [COLOR="navy"]Y[/COLOR]aşamak [COLOR="navy"]...[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]S[/COLOR]onsuzadek[COLOR="navy"]...[/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Navy"]B[/COLOR]u[COLOR="navy"]R[/COLOR]a[COLOR="navy"]K[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]0 Rh +[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]...[/COLOR]55-62 [COLOR="navy"]G[/COLOR]emisinin [COLOR="Navy"]T[/COLOR]ayfası[COLOR="Navy"]...[/COLOR][/COLOR][/B]

  14. #54
    TÜRETKEN - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    15 Mayıs 2006
    ankara - ümitköy
    abi mümkün diil bu çocuun 13 yaşnda filan olması ya MÜMKÜN DİİL BEN İNANMIORM nası yapar ya çıldrtr bu adamı küççk weletin yaptıklarına bak ya

  15. #55
    Hakki - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    26 Kasım 2005
    epeyden beri siteye girmiyodum. bir girdim özel mesaj gelmiş. lafı uzatmicam. motorcu kardeşimiz inglizce olarak bana videolarını yayınladığım için teşekkür etmiş. ben de ona siteye üye oldugu için teşekkür ederim.
    videolarını yayınlamasaydım bu çocuk google'dan arayıp da nereden bulacaktı kendisini bu sitede. sayemde siteye üye oldu
    yabancılar sayemde siteye üye oluyor, payımı isterim erhan .

  16. #56
    umit_07 - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    21 Aralık 2005
    TGB 303r
    helal olsun şu velet e bi motorcuyuz die geciniyoz

  17. #57

    10 Haziran 2006
    Arkadaşlar 13 Yaşindayken Cocuk Tekteker Ustunde Iki Elini Birakiyo Ve Mmotorun Kafa Aşagi Inmiyo Bu Nerde Gorulmus Motorla Oynanmis Yoksa Kompiresore Biner Ben Hayatimda Motorcuyum Bide Motor Suruyosunuz Bunlari Bilmiyosunuz

  18. #58

    15 Ağustos 2006
    çocuk dengeyi salamış artık.

3. sayfa BirinciBirinci 123

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