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13 Yaşındaki Tekerci "Stuntrider"

  1. #21
    PcKopatGhostRider - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    07 Ağustos 2005
    Honda CBR 600F
    Alıntı mondial 151 rs ci adlı üyeden alıntı
    yapma piskopat abi gözünü seviyim çocuk 2 tekere inmiyo sen diyosun ki aynı ben hadi canım dalga mı geçiyon bizle

    abijim nickimiz boşunamı piskopat ya..
    CBR 600F Honda,

    Oktay Motor CF Moto Polaris Mondial
  2. #22
    masken37 - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    04 Temmuz 2006
    helal olsun bu yaşta bu yetenek pes doğrusu artık 25 yaşında felan tekerleksiz sürer motoru

  3. #23
    foreveryoung1980 - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    06 Temmuz 2006
    HONDA CBF250
    anasının karnından tekerle çıkmış galiba bu velet
    [B]lastiği yakkkkk ruhunu değilllll[/B]

  4. #24
    CartaL - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    09 Mart 2006
    ZAT 150 mondial

    dublördür dublör

  5. #25
    mindtrap - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    09 Temmuz 2006
    Helal olsun gence! Lisansli yapiyodur sanirim bu isi . O yapinca bana okadar da zor gozukmedi ahahaha izleyerek ogrenilse keske

  6. #26
    eXelanCe - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    12 Mayıs 2006

  7. #27
    V&B - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    12 Temmuz 2006
    HYUSONG GV 650 dermişim :)
    bakın bu motorlar zaten akrobasi motorları yani yapımı farklı fark ettiyseniz arka dişli büyüktür ve motorun tek tekerle durması kolay olur.ama helal olsun genede o yaşta büyük cesaret.o motorla hız yapamazsınız.

  8. #28
    koyulacivert - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    05 Haziran 2006
    İstanbul / Kozyatağı
    Dorado V5
    vay anasını be ne veletler varmış
    Dorado V5

  9. #29
    ghost_8987 - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    20 Temmuz 2006
    Bu Yaşta Bu Cesaret Helal Olsun

  10. #30

    17 Temmuz 2006
    çok güzel yapıo

  11. #31
    mostwanted_57 - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    03 Ocak 2006
    Yamaha Xmax 250 ABS

  12. #32

    17 Temmuz 2006


    bencede eniyi o yapıo öpürkünler hiç iyi deyil deme arkadaşlar

  13. #33
    bur-k@ - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    06 Mayıs 2006
    izmir-ankara- kısa süre istanbul :)
    cbr 125 pert oldu :(
    helal olsun veled-i zinaya (poke imam )

  14. #34

    30 Ağustos 2006

    Hello I am Aaron Colton 13 now 14 year old stuntrider

    Hello to all of you in Turkey! I am Aaron Colton. I was surfing the net and saw this web site. I scrolled down and saw not only my name but two pictures that were taken just outside of the small shop that my dad has where we fix motorcycles and prepare stuntbikes for sale. It was very strange to see my own face staring back at me on a Turkish web site. I hope that what everybody was saying about me was good! Please!

    I have continued to progress in my stunting and have started to place in the money at recent events. I have gotten some 1st place prizes and 3rd place prize in individual freestyle. I hope to improve that at my next showing because I have added several new stunts that are getting up there to the level that only a small number of riders are able to perform them. The latest one is Jumping to High Chair, and HC Circles, Special K Circles. Very very fast low angle circles etc. So I hope to surprise and do really well in my next competitions.

    I am writing this in English obviously so I hope that some readers of this post will be able to understand it or have it translated by computer or something.

    If there was enough interest in Turkey, and in a group you could pull enough money together for food, lodging and airfare, I would be willing to come over and do an exhibition show (you could charge for it and get back your support money or sponsorship money from a motorcycle shop) and I would also be willing to teach like a 6 hour class on stunting, tipping on how to set up your bikes or do certain tricks and basically help riders over there advance their skills. The charge for the class would be small and would basically give us spending money while over there.

    If any on this thread are interested, post up a response and if you really want to do something as a group or in conjunction with a motorcycle store sponsor, we can coordinate by Email. I know that it is a crazy idea but if there are a number of people that are interested it would definitely be possible.

    All my best to you over there! I look forward to seeing what the response will be to this crazyness!

    Aaron Colton

  15. #35
    yavuzk2004 - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    14 Eylül 2005
    beyler elemana bakın ya siteyi bulup yazı yazmış ilk bakışta fake fln dedim ama yazıyı okuyunca, isterseniz Türkiye ye fln gelirim sponsor ayarlarsanız diyor, gerçek galiba gülmiyim gülmiyim dedim eleman smileyleri görünce benle dalgamı geçiyor der dedim ama tutamıyorum, amerikadan sen bul bizim siteyi de yazı yaz puhahaha

    hi aaron, nice to see you there, hope you come and show us your stunt in turkey. there was enough interest in turkey trust me, this sector improving hardly, you can come in there for an exhibiton. I think companies will interest your stunt in turkey

  16. #36

    30 Ağustos 2006

    Sounds Like Some Possibility

    Alıntı yavuzk2004 adlı üyeden alıntı Mesajı göster
    hi aaron, nice to see you there, hope you come and show us your stunt in turkey. there was enough interest in turkey trust me, this sector improving hardly, you can come in there for an exhibiton. I think companies will interest your stunt in turkey
    It sounds like you have quite a stunt following in Turkey. What is the most popular stuntbikes used. Are any riding the F4i? If it worked out that I came over (which would be fantastic!!!). My father and I would bring all of the stuntparts and equipment (cages, handbrake assembly,... etc.) needed to fit out a bike there and set it up just like the bike I ride here. We could do multiple shows if it would make the financing easier. Is there interest in a stunt class? I don't think language would be a big problem, especially it there are some there that speak english. Much can be shown and demonstrated, but some of the feel would be good to be able to explain in words.

    Post up a picture of two of any stunters in Turkey. Also if you go to Youtube.com and just type in the search box - Aaron Colton - You will see that there are two more videos of me there. I am going to post up another one before the snow starts to fly here in Minnesota and that should be awsome as I have really got a lot more to show. Anyway check out YouTube for the other videos.

    I was just featured on the "Speed" channel which is on Satellite TV and possibly you get it there. I am getting ready to do a DVD maybe around the last part of December for Darius "Servin It Up" and have just gotten my road racing certificate, so I am doing some flat track racing. I just had my first races this weekend so I am not as fast as the pro's but they all seemed to think I had something to offer.

    Well I will sit back and watch these forums to see what develops and maybe hopefully something can be put together.

    Best to all in Turkey,

    Aaron Colton

  17. #37
    on7_kral - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    13 Ağustos 2006
    İST-Avrupa Yakası
    Süper ya makinelerde birbirinden güsel aamaa

  18. #38
    boy - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    18 Eylül 2003
    2016 Aprilia RSV4 RF
    Çocuk gerçekten üye olmuş ve mesaj yazmış. Bana da ÖM atmış. İlginç valla, dünya küçük!

    Hi Aaron,

    I got shocked that you are a new member of out site. I put your pictures in this thread. I watched some of your movies on the net. You are really good! Motosiklet.net is the best web site about bikez in Turkey. I just only know one stuntrider, Tek Teker Arif (Wheelie Arif) in Turkey. He is not as good as you but he is good in Turkey. Here, bikez are more expensive than in your country. So people can not try some actions like wheelie, stoppie, etc.. I hope you keep following to read this thread. I had a CBR 600F Sport. Now I am riding a 1000RR. I want to ask you that why you prefer riding CBR 600F in stuntriding? Hope to see you again...
    Hayatta en büyük eğlence başkasının yapamazsın dediğini yapmaktır.

  19. #39
    100 Oktan Moderatör (Komtan) Gürkan Anbarlı - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    12 Nisan 2003
    İşte MT 'nin güzelliği burada, yeri gelmişken belirteyim Çin 'de üretim yapan büyük fabrikalardan birinin üretim müdürüde sitemizin üyesi, şimdiye kadar mesaj yazmadı ancak ürettikleri modeller ile alakalı yazılan başlıkları ara ara bana sorarak tercüme ettirir.

    Alıntı AaronColton adlı üyeden alıntı Mesajı göster
    It was very strange to see my own face staring back at me on a Turkish web site. I hope that what everybody was saying about me was good! Please!
    Wellcome on board first of all, it's very good to see you here. And yes, they said you were good!

    Alıntı AaronColton adlı üyeden alıntı
    Post up a picture of two of any stunters in Turkey
    Most popular stunter is Tekteker Arif, and web page placed at http://www.tektekerarif.com/

  20. #40
    Gökhan - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    14 Haziran 2006
    F 650 GS
    cahillik çok kötü birşeyy millet ingilizce birşeyler yazıyor. bende öyle bakıyom iştee... yok böyle olmuycak bir ingilizce kursuna başlamak lazımm:

2. sayfa BirinciBirinci 123 SonuncuSonuncu

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