diyor ki:
"Expected to be launched in the future:
2008 Honda CB1000F Hornet
Along with a revamped CB600F Hornet, Honda is expected to dump the old CBR engine in the CB900F and bring out a heftier version of the CBF1000 engine for a brand new CB1000F Hornet. Styling will be more adventurous than the CBF hopefully. A CBF1000 engine means the latest generation Fireblade genes, but with much more than 100bhp this time. To bring it up to the level of the competition from Yamaha FZ1 and Kawasaki Z1000 it needs more than 130bhp. Our best guesses is a max power output of around the 140bhp mark. We also believe that the bike will get a very similar chassis to the CBR1000RR to really make an impact on the big nakeds market. Honda has got the CBF1000 for the sensible types so no problem to make the big Hornet both powerful and sporty. TS/CG by Luc1"
Türkcesi (yer yer anlamca, yer yer kelime kelimesine tercüme ediyorum):
Yenilenmis CB600F Hornet ile birlikte Honda'nin CB900F'deki (Hornet 900) eski CBR motorunu birakip CBF1000'de kullaninlan motorun daha kuvvetli bir versiyonu ile yepyeni bir CB1000F Hornet piyasaya cikarmasi bekleniyor. Ümit ederiz ki tarzi CBF'inkinden daha heyecanli olsun. CBF1000 motoru en son Fireblade genleri anlamina geliyor, ancak bu sefer 100 begirden cok daha fazlasiyla. Yamaha FZ1 ve Kawasaki Z1000 ile ayni rekabet seviyesine gelebilmesi icin 130 beygirin üstüne cikmasi gerekecek. Tahminimizce 140 beygir civarinda olacaktir. Ayrica CBR1000RR sasisine cok bezer bir sasi ile üretilecegini bekliyoruz ki naked bike pazarinda bomba etkisi yapabilsin. Honda CBF1000'i daha az performans arayan kisiler icin hazir tuttugundan büyük Hornet'i hem güclü hem sportif yapmakta sakinca yoktur herhalde.
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