Suggestion: lets try to put our heads together to come up with a list of problamatic parts on the 640 Adventure. If everyone with this bike would list everything that broke on their bikes, I could try to compile this list. I don't want you to include common wear items such as clutch, brake pads, etc... unless they occured at an unreasonable mileage.
My bike: 2000 KTM 640 Adventure-R
current KM: 34,000
- CDI unit (low/hi octane version) at 15,000 KM after I bought it
- front wheel bearings
- clutch cable at 25,000 km
- one of the fork seals at 20,000 km
- front(engine) sproket came loose, which caused the seal to leak, then tear along with the o-ring behind it 24,000 km
- Intermediate starter gear (52T) broke at 33,000 km